Some of my loyal fans have probably wondered where the heck have I been? The others, well I'm going to tell you anyways.
So I am 1 month into P90X and I am loving the results. It was a large adjustment at first for me. The reason being I had always trained real heavy weight, low reps. My training was more for power, size, and strength. So very rarely would you see me do more then 8 reps per set. Well, when I started p90X, I was shocked. They wanted you doing 12-15reps an exercise, and sometimes maximum reps. Well, this was quite humbling. I may of been able to bench a mountain, but have me do max reps on push-ups, FORGET IT! So, I started off pretty slow. However, once my body got use to it, I started seeing some great results.
As far as the results go, I could not be happier. I started the program on Day 1 weighing in at 292lbs. My max push-up was about 34, and my max pull-up was about 2(yeah don't laugh, remember what I said about training style). On the last workout of Month 1, I weighed in at a slimming 274 lbs. I am up to about 48 push-ups and 6 pull-ups, and that number is increasing daily.
Now, you may look at those numbers and say that is pathetic. Well, it is slightly! However, you have to realize, like I mentioned above, I had previously only trained for power and strength, so my body shutdown and needed a break after about 6 reps. So, this high rep thing took some getting use to.
My goals for this program are to be able to do 75 push-ups in a row, as well as 15 pull-ups. I also would like to weigh in below the 250 mark. Some of you out there might think of 250 as being heavy. Well for someone at my height(6'6"), and the build I have, that would have me pretty lean(abdominal definition lean). Also know that I haven't been below 250lbs since 8th grade! With 2 more months to go, I am more then confident that I will not only reach my goals, but surpass them as well!
As far as why I haven't posted in awhile. Well, on top of running my personal training business, I am also working some crazy hours at the local hospital. I am also in preparation of applying to graduate schools. So, life is a tad crazy right now. I will keep you posted as to how this is going, and look forward to some comments below.
All the best,
Doug Spurling, CSCS, NSCA-CPT