Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday Hodepodge

I finally got a day off from the craziness of the ICU, ER, and rehab center of the hospital. I know I am long overdue for a blog post so I made sure I took the time today to give you guys some good reading. Today is going to be a little hodgepodge of everything.

1. P90x is going great. I have shredded about 30 pounds so far with about 5 weeks left in the program. Yes, I may have lost some muscle size, but I am in the stage in my workout life where I don't need to bench 400lbs and squat mountains. I would rather look good naked. Plain and simple. Once my football days were over, I realized that I didn't have to weigh 295lbs and be bulky, I had no use for it. So now, I am working on getting as lean as possible. I am hoping to get down to about 235 with my current weight being 260. The reason P90x is so challenging for me is because of the massive change. When you train for strength and power, like a football player, you train with real heavy weight. Rarely would you ever see me doing something for more then 6-8 reps. As a result, when Tony wanted me to do 12 reps + on everything, I was a bit thrown off. However, because there was such a drastic change in the program, it caused a drastic change in my body. I encourage anyone who has ever thought about doing P90x to give it a try. I am not selling it by any means, it is really nothing special. However, what got me was the drastic change in pure volume of reps for each workout.

2. I got a question from a viewer about what supplements to take. You hear kids today taking Jack3d and all these other sugar filled products that claim to help in every way possible. The truth is, most of them are crap. The saying that America has the most expensive urine has never been so true. Most of these supplements don't even get absorbed by the body, and end up just getting excreted into or toilet. Thus, that $45 dollar bottle of Jack3d ultimately ends up getting flushed down the toilet with your steak and corn you had last night. For the average Joe and Jane, you only need a few basic supplements. Now, yes a hardcore athlete or bodybuilder may need more, but for the weekend warriors who are just trying to look good this is what I recommend.

A. A good complete multi-vitamin-taken twice daily9(see previous blogs for why)
B. Fish oil
C. 100% whey protein

Those three things with a well balanced diet will produce any results you want as long as the diet and program are followed.

3. For those idiots who think its cool to drink and drive. Follow me around for a day and see the 19 year old girl in a halo brace, the 21 year old guy who has so much brain trauma he can't remember his own name let alone how to go the bathroom or even walk, the 45 year old who crashed his motorcycle after leaving the bar and now needs to spend the rest of his life in wheel chair because both of his legs were amputated above the knee, or the 18 year old girl who has a fractured pelvis and fractured C1 because she was texting and slammed into a tractor trailer. These are things that I see everyday at my job, and I love it. It has made me realize the true value of life, and to take each day as a gift. Finally, nothing is more rewarding then giving that 21 year old a handshake goodbye as he steps up into his moms SUV after receiving treatment for his injuries. Just please, do me a favor, never drive drunk and never text and drive because I can tell you first hand through hundreds of experiences, the outcomes are not pretty.

A little exercise stuff a little life lesson stuff. A little bit of everything on this Thursday. Send me an e-mail with any questions or topic ideas, I would be happy to write about them.

Now get your butt of the couch and go enjoy this beautiful weather!

