Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting ripped for spring break!

I have had many viewers inform me that they are headed out west or down south for spring break. They are looking for the quick fix to get shredded for the beach. Although you should be working on that months before hand, there are some things you can do to lose that extra weight before hitting the white sandy beaches.

The most important part is the diet. I have stressed this before, and will continue to stress it. You can bust your hump in the weight room all you want, but if your diet is not a track, your going to see crap for results. When cutting, I have found through experience and research that a low carbohydrate/high protein diet is best. The latest research shows, no more then 100carbs a day.

So, lets look at this a little more closely. A male weighing 200lbs is looking to lose some weight before his trip to San Diego. We know from my previous posts that protein for an active person should be about 1.5gms of protein per pound of body weight. It is ESPECIALLY important that that much protein be consumed when on a low carb diet. So, for this gentlemen he should consume 300gms of protein each day, while only consuming 100grams of carbs each day.

Here is a sample daily food log for this gentlemen

6am- 2 scoops of whey protein with 16oz of water

9am-4 eggs scrambled with 1 piece of whole wheat toast

12pm-large salad with 80z of cut up grilled chicken. light Italian dressing on the side

3pm-15-30 almonds

6pm-9oz of fresh salmon with asparagus

9pm-1/2 cup of cottage cheese

The other half is the weight training. When on a low carb diet such as this one, it is important to remember that your energy will not be as high, since carbs are burned as energy. It is best to do a little lighter weight then usual and increase the reps. When on a diet like this, I prefer to do a full-body program 3 times a week with 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. You can do cardio either after the weight training session, or on off days.

Finally, please don't fall for the misconception that doing 100 reps of ab exercises is going to get you a 6-pack. I can promise you, a defined abdominal area is two things, genetics and diet. Not to say, that abdominal exercises won't strengthen and define your abs more, they won't do it alone. Abs should be trained just like any other muscle group, 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps.

If you have any questions or are interested in a personal weight training program to get yourself ready for the beach, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Doug Spurling, CSCS, NSCA-CPT

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